customer experience and business growth

The Role of Customer Experience in Business Growth

Good customer experience transforms into transactions. Learn more ways to satisfy your customers.
4 mins read
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Product quality is an important aspect of business, but customer experience can also make or break your plan for growth. When scaling your ecommerce business, understand the crucial role of customer experience and how it affects your ecommerce store. 

Let’s discuss the effects of customer experience in ecommerce and how you can incorporate it into business growth strategies.

Customer experience and how it’s important in ecommerce

In physical storefronts, employees and shopping assistants establish a connection with visitors by engaging with them and helping them find what they need. Customer experience isn’t specifically reserved for them, though. It is actually essential in online stores and ecommerce businesses, too.

Good customer experience transforms transactional activities into positive experiences and curious consumers into repeat customers.

But what exactly does an ecommerce customer experience entail?

When you run an ecommerce business, you want to make sure visitors have a seamless online experience. This means they should be able to easily navigate the website and find the products they need. The product pages must load fast, browsing sessions must be instinctive, and the checkout process must be clear.

Basically, customer experience in ecommerce means a smooth transaction, from browsing to delivery. 

Here’s what makes up a good experience:

  • Seamless online browsing
  • Quick and easy checkout
  • Timely order delivery
  • Solid customer support
  • High-quality products

Keeping that in mind, a positive experience convinces consumers to buy the same items in the future or explore your other products.

If you’re looking at scaling ecommerce business in the near future, make sure the changes you make have no negative impact on the customer browsing experience. Otherwise, it could affect visitors’ purchasing decisions.

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5 ways good customer experience drives business growth

1. Build brand affinity in a competitive space

When customers have a positive experience with an ecommerce shop, they tend to develop an affinity toward the brand and repeatedly choose that business over competitors. And in saturated markets, customer retention is a priority.

2. Improve brand perception for new customers

Consumers who are exploring your ecommerce store for the first time will quickly develop a positive perception of your brand if they like what they see. So, ensure seamless browsing, quick  transactions and good customer service.

3. Boost revenue by making customers happy

The happier customers are with your service and with your products, the more likely they are to keep buying from you. So if your main goal is to boost revenue, include building customer relationships in your business growth strategies.

4. Ensure customer retention and brand loyalty

Customers see and feel the effort you put into making sure they have a positive experience with your brand. When they feel your effort and sincerity, they are more likely to stay loyal to your brand instead of exploring your competitors.

5. Bring in more opportunities from satisfied customers

Word-of-mouth sometimes works better than outright advertising. Your satisfied customers are more likely to recommend your products to their family and friends, bringing in more new customers for you.

customer experience in e-commerce
When customers have a positive experience, they develop an affinity toward the brand.

5 Ways you can provide good customer experience in ecommerce

1. Build a user-friendly ecommerce site 

The first and the greatest step toward establishing good customer experience in ecommerce is building and maintaining a user-friendly online storefront. You have to make sure visitors can browse instinctively. The product pages have to load quickly. The checkout process has to be quick and clear. Customer support, FAQS and other website essentials should also be present.

2. Provide proactive customer support

Make your customers feel valued. When they have questions during the consideration stage, or when they have concerns regarding their shipped products, your customer support has to accommodate their concerns and provide solutions right away.

3. Use branded product packaging

Many ecommerce businesses overlook the impact of branded product packaging on the overall customer experience. It can build customer trust and improve brand recall, so consider investing in custom product packaging solutions that get your brand name out there.

4. Offer affordable order shipping services

Ecommerce sites like Lazada, Shopee and TikTok Shop have various free shipping coupons and shipping discount vouchers that encourage consumers to make a purchase. So if you want consumers to choose your brand, offer fast and affordable shipping for them.

5. Ensure fast order fulfillment and delivery

As a fulfillment and warehousing specialist, Ninja Van understands the need for quick order fulfillment. From the moment they click on the checkout button, customers are already tracking when their order will arrive at their doorstep. 

Make sure your customers’ orders get to them quickly by signing up for our VIP Shipping account. Ninja Van gives you fast and secure last-mile delivery service.

Discover how Ninja Van helps you provide good customer experience 

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Ninja Van is your partner in provider good customer experience.

Positive customer experience is the key to growing your ecommerce business. Work with an ecommerce logistics partner that cares about your customers as much as you do. 

Learn how Ninja Van’s order fulfillment centers and express delivery fleet can help you. 

Discover what we can do for your business!

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