Entrepreneur Mindset Quotes

20 Top Quotes for an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Sharing with you some motivational quotes for an entrepreneurial mindset from top business icons.
3 mins read
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Most successful entrepreneurs didn’t get to where they are now without facing and overcoming challenges along the way.

Let’s take a look at valuable learnings and advice from some of the top entrepreneurs and business icons, and let them inspire you in building your business.

Entrepreneur business quotes to motivate and inspire your hustle

  1. “I’m convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” – Steve Jobs (founder & CEO, Apple)
  1. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway
  1. “My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long University education that I never had — everyday I’m learning something new.” – Richard Branson, founder Virgin Group
  1. “If you push through that feeling of being scared, that feeling of taking a risk, really amazing things can happen.” ‍- Marissa Mayer (former CEO Yahoo!)
  1. “It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” – Bill Gates, founder & CEO Microsoft
  1. “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford (founder Ford Motors)
  1. “Dream big. Start small. But most of all, start.” – Simon Sinek (Author and motivational speaker)
  1. “You never lose in business, either you win or you learn.” – Melinda Emerson (Small Business Expert and Social Media Coach)
  1. “I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” – Estee Lauder (founder Estee Lauder  Cosmetics)
  1. “If you’ve never tried, how will you ever know if there’s any chance?” – Jack Ma (founder & chairman Alibaba Group)
  1. “I dream, I test my dreams against my beliefs, I dare to take risks, and I execute my vision to make those dreams come true.” – Walt Disney
  1. “It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed. You only have to be right once.” – Mark Cuban
  1. “The thing that motivates me is a very common form of motivation. And that is, with other folks counting on me, it’s so easy to be motivated.” – Jeff Bezos, Amazon
  1. “People don’t take opportunities because the timing is bad, the financial side unsecure. Too many people are overanalyzing. Sometimes you just have to go for it.” – Michelle Zatlyn, Co-founder, President, and COO of Cloudflare
  1.  “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn, entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker
  1.  “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” – John D. Rockefeller
  1. “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar, author, salesman, and motivational speaker
  1. “I think it is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. Since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition.” Larry Page, co-founder Google
  1. “When you build technology it’s not just a matter of “what.” In most cases the success ends up determined by “how” you build it—which foundations you used, how simple and scalable it is.” – Tobi Lütke, founder and CEO of Shopify
  1. “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” – Elon Musk, CEO Tesla, Twitter

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