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Marketing on a budget: How to get the most bang for your marketing buck

Boosting a post on Facebook might be simple, but in the complex world of digital marketing, how can you ensure that every dollar you spend delivers maximum value? 
5 mins read

Boosting a post on Facebook might be simple, but in the complex world of digital marketing, how can you ensure that every dollar you spend delivers maximum value? 

Here’s an alarming trend: marketers worldwide are squandering about 26% of their marketing budgets on channels and strategies that simply don’t deliver, and half of these marketers are misspending a whopping 20% of their budgets, according to this survey.

To help you avoid that, we’ve gathered a range of tips and tricks that will help optimise your campaign to make your marketing dollar go further, whether it be for better reach, clicks, or conversions! 

Types of Paid Media Channels

Before diving into the specifics of maximising your media budget, let’s first take a quick look at the various paid media channels at your disposal. These channels serve as the foundation for your digital marketing efforts, each offering its unique advantages and targeting options:

  1. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): SEM (not to be confused with SEO) involves advertising on search engines like Google and Bing. It’s a powerful way to capture users actively searching for products or services related to your business.
  1. Social Media Advertising: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer highly targeted advertising options. You can reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviours, making these social media platforms invaluable for advertising, especially with audience segmentation.
  1. Display Advertising: Display ads appear on websites and apps within the Google Display Network. They can be static images, animated banners, or even video ads, helping you reach a wider audience.
  1. Video Advertising: Video ads are increasingly popular, and platforms like YouTube and TikTok provide opportunities to engage users with visually appealing content.
  1. Native Advertising: Native ads blend seamlessly with the content around them, making them less intrusive and more engaging for users. They often appear as articles, videos, or posts within a website or platform.

Does More Marketing Budget Equal Better Results?

One common misconception is that pouring more money into your digital marketing campaign will automatically yield better results. While having a substantial budget is advantageous, it’s not the sole determinant of success. The key is how effectively you utilise your budget.

To achieve this, consider the following:

  • Quality Over Quantity: Focusing on quality advertisements and precise targeting often yields better results than a scattergun approach with a larger budget.
  • Testing and Optimisation: Continuously monitoring and optimising your campaigns can help you make the most of your budget. Small adjustments can lead to significant improvements in performance.
  • Competitive Landscape: In some industries, competitors may be bidding aggressively for the same keywords or audiences, driving up costs. In such cases, a larger budget can be an advantage, but it still needs to be spent wisely.

How to Optimise Your Campaigns

#1. Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that includes various ad types and features, which can be used to increase traffic and conversions. To maximise the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns, consider:

  • Keyword Research

Invest time in comprehensive keyword research to find relevant and cost-effective keywords. Utilise keyword tools to discover new opportunities and tailor your ads to your audience’s needs.

  • Quality Score Enhancement

Google rewards high-quality ads with lower costs per click. Improve your ad content, landing pages, and overall user experience to boost your Quality Score. A higher Quality Score means you pay less for clicks and get better ad performance.

  • Geo-Targeting

Use geo-targeting to focus your ads on regions where your target audience is most active. This prevents wasted budget on irrelevant clicks from audiences who might not be interested or relevant to your offerings, and also significantly enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your campaign.

  • Ad Extensions

Take advantage of ad extensions to provide extra information to users, like links to your website, phone numbers, or location details. These extensions can enhance your ad’s appeal by giving users more information, leading to better click-through rates and conversions.

#2. Facebook Ads

When it comes to making the most out of your Facebook Ads, the world’s largest social media platform, explore the following:

  • Boosted Posts

Boosted posts are a cost-effective way to increase content visibility. Choose posts that are highly relevant and engaging for your target audience to maximise their impact.

  • Carousel Ads

To optimise your carousel ads, craft a compelling visual narrative that guides users through the different elements you’re showcasing. This encourages users to interact with the ad, explore your offerings, and increase the chances of conversions.

  • Audience Targeting

Leveraging Facebook’s precise audience targeting features enables you to connect with users based on demographics, interests, behaviours, and custom audiences to ensure your ads resonate with the right users.

  • Ad Creatives

Creative components are pivotal in capturing users’ attention and driving desired actions. Invest in high-quality images or videos that are coherent with your brand identity. Additionally, craft concise, compelling ad copy to entice action.

  • Budget Optimisation

Utilise Facebook’s budget optimisation as it automatically allocates more budget to top-performing ad sets, preventing waste on underperforming ones and maximising ROI. This balance enhances overall campaign effectiveness.

#3. Instagram Ads

To advertise on Instagram and engage with your audience effectively, try these strategies:

  • Story Ads

Leverage Instagram Story Ads by creating immersive, full-screen ad experiences. Craft engaging stories that align with your brand’s narrative.

  • Carousel Ads

Use Carousel Ads on Instagram to showcase multiple products or features within a single ad. This format invites users to swipe through and explore various offerings, providing them with a dynamic and engaging ad experience.

  • Influencer Collaborations

Explore collaborations with influencers on Instagram to broaden your brand’s reach and enhance credibility. Partnering with influencers can add an authentic touch to your brand’s message, as their followers trust their recommendations and endorsements.

  • Hashtag Campaigns

Create unique and memorable branded hashtags to encourage user participation and engagement. Incorporate these hashtags into your Instagram Ads campaigns to boost visibility.

#4. TikTok Ads

TikTok, the platform synonymous with viral video content, also contains groundbreaking advertising possibilities. To unlock the full potential of your TikTok Ads, explore:

  • In-Feed Ads

Leverage TikTok’s In-Feed Ads to display your video content seamlessly within users’ feeds. Create attention-grabbing short videos that align with TikTok’s energetic and creative culture.

  • Hashtag Challenges

Engage users with hashtag challenges that encourage participation. This interactive approach can boost user-generated content and brand engagement.

  • TopView Ads

Consider using TopView Ads to make a big impression. These ads are the first thing users see when they open the TikTok app, offering prime visibility.

  • Branded Effects

Enhance your brand’s presence with branded effects that users can apply to their videos. These effects have the potential to go viral, extending your brand’s reach and increasing visibility as users enthusiastically incorporate them into their content. 

All in all, getting the most out of your media budget isn’t just about the dollars you put in – it’s about strategic planning and continuous optimisation. Sure, having a bigger budget helps, but it’s not the only game-changer. By using the tips and strategies mentioned above, you can unlock the full potential of your marketing budget and drive your campaigns towards success. Keep in mind that the digital landscape is always shifting. What’s a hit today might not be tomorrow, so staying in the loop with industry trends and adjusting your strategy from time to time is necessary for cost-effective results. Happy marketing!

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