
Here’s Why You’re Failing on Social Media, and What You Can Do About It

We interviewed our #NinjaExpert to find out the most common social media mistakes so that you don't make them.
3 mins read
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Being present on social media is no longer just a wishlist for brands and businesses.

It is THE channel to bring your brand and products closer to your target audience, and if done right, bring you the sales, too!

Despite its importance, businesses often get on the wrong foot when they go on social media.

We’ve seen several brand pages on Facebook, Instagram, and even Twitter that are just idly sitting there, gathering cyber dust by the day.

dirty cleaning GIF by Katy Beveridge Studio
Not useful… at all.

What you’re doing wrong on social media

The problem lies with how most businesses see social media platforms, says digital expert Ash Mandhyan, CEO of Quanta Digital Agency and Former Head of Client Solutions for Facebook Philippines.

“The biggest (problem) one that I constantly see, and this is usually for non-digital natives, is that businesses treat it as a solution from a different planet.”

1. Likes ≠ sales

Image source: Unsplash

From having a clear set of objectives—as most entrepreneurs do when they enter into anything — it all gets muddled with fluff metrics when they go on social media.

“These business-minded people start chasing fluff metrics — ‘I want a million people to like my post’. And they switch into becoming a celebrity of sorts — they want followers, they want likes. But at the end of the day, that does not convert into sales,” says Mandhyan.

2. Different platforms, different faces

social media strategy
Image source: Unsplash

Another common trap that many businesses fall into is the lack of consistency across different social media platforms.

While Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have different audiences, your brand must remain focused and consistent to your audience.

Social media can be a thick jungle for the inexperienced, where one could easily get lost.

But with the right focus and the right advice, your brand can swing through this jungle.

By the way, here’s a beginner’s guide for social media newbies.

1. Bring the right objectives into the platform.

Evaluate the platform.

Then determine how it can help you achieve your objectives.

“How can this platform drive your specific business goals? Is it getting leads for your business? Getting people to test your product? Or is it sales? And then, bring it back into the platform and get the platform to do the work for you.”

2. Build recall.

Ever noticed how the more established brands are very specific about that shade of red or the font they use?

It’s how they create brand recall: by being consistent in almost every aspect of the brand.

“Consistency in tone, and the voice of your brand should be similar across all platforms.”

3. Go beyond your follower base.

While a million people following your social media accounts look great, it is not the be-all and end-all of your social media presence.

Mandhyan recommends building a real relationship with your followers.

“Make people follow your page because they want to get updated about your brand, because they want to try your products.”

Social media is an integral part of business nowadays.

With its ever-evolving nature, navigating through social media can be tricky.

But by staying true to the core of your brand and objectives, you might just discover a whole new world that can bring you to new heights.

a whole new world aladdin GIF
Social media could be that flying carpet for you!

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