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Grow Your Online Sales: Part 3 –  Discounts Done Right

Statistics reveal the undeniable appeal of discounts: 67% of consumers admit that they would purchase a product they hadn’t initially planned for, simply because there was a discount.
5 mins read

As an online seller in the ever-changing world of e-commerce, you understand one thing – success is synonymous with sales growth. This leads you to the age-old question of how to increase online sales. In our previous articles on growing your online sales, we explored strategies such as improving your website UI/UX and social media optimisation. Now, we’re delving into the powerful realm of promotions, particularly discounts.

Statistics reveal the undeniable appeal of discounts: 67% of consumers admit that they would purchase a product they hadn’t initially planned for, simply because there was a discount. After all, who doesn’t love a good deal? Or perhaps more accurately, think that they are getting one.

However, there’s one crucial caveat when it comes to discounts – they must be done right. This requires a nuanced approach to ensure they benefit your business instead of harming it. So, we’re going to break down all you need to know about doing it right and share some tips and tricks to help you ace your discount strategy.

The Dos and Don’ts of Promotions and Discounts


  • Offer Value

Discounts should genuinely benefit your customers. Whether it’s slashing prices, offering bundled products, or providing free shipping, the key is to ensure that your discount adds tangible value to your customer’s purchase. When customers perceive real value, they’re more likely to complete the transaction and return for future purchases.

  • Use Discounts Strategically

Discounts should be strategic tools, not scattergun approaches. Align each discount campaign with specific business objectives. Are you looking to clear excess inventory, attract new customers, or boost the average order value? Tailor your discounts to match your goals, ensuring they contribute to your overall strategy.

  • Set Clear Terms

Transparency is the bedrock of trust in e-commerce. To build and maintain that trust, it’s crucial to clearly outline the terms and conditions of your discounts. This includes specifying expiration dates, eligibility criteria, and any limitations associated with the offer. When customers understand the rules, they’re more likely to engage positively with your discounts.

  • Personalise Offers

One-size-fits-all discounts have their place, but personalisation takes your strategy to the next level. Utilise customer data and behaviour analysis to craft personalised discount offers. According to a study by Accenture, 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that provide personalised offers. When customers receive discounts that align with their preferences and past purchasing habits, it dramatically increases the chances of conversion. 


  • Overdo It

Discounts can be incredibly tempting, both for sellers and buyers. However, an excess of discounts, or too frequent discounting, can inadvertently train customers to expect deals consistently, leading to what’s commonly referred to as “discount fatigue.” This can harm your long-term profitability, as customers may wait for discounts before making a purchase. Striking a balance between tempting offers and sustainable profit margins is key.

  • Make Discounts a Habit

While occasional discounts can be potent tools, they should not become a permanent fixture of your business model. Overreliance on discounts can devalue your products or services in the eyes of your customers. Instead, focus on leveraging discounts strategically to achieve specific goals while maintaining the perceived value of your offerings.

  • Sacrifice Quality

In the pursuit of enticing discounts, never compromise the quality of your products or services. Maintaining the integrity of your brand is essential for long-term success. Offering lower-quality goods or services to accommodate discounts can lead to disappointed customers and damage your reputation. A strong brand built on quality and trust should always take precedence.

How to Identify the Sweet Spot for Discounts

Determining the optimal discount amount can be a challenging task. You don’t want to give away too much, but you also want your offer to be attractive. To find that sweet spot of the best discount percentage, try these tips:

1. Leverage Pricing Psychology

Pricing techniques can make your discounts appear more attractive as they tap into the way consumers perceive and value discounts. One popular concept is the Rule of 100. According to that rule, discounts of items valued under 100 appear more appealing as percentage discounts, rather than in absolute monetary terms. So a 25% discount on an RM40 product seems more appealing than an RM10 discount.

2. Consider Your Margins

Before implementing discounts, it’s crucial to calculate your profit margins and assess your cost of goods sold (COGS). This step helps you determine how much discounting you can afford. The key is to ensure that your discounts don’t eat into your profits to the extent that they become unsustainable for your business. 

3. Analyse Competitor Pricing

To position your discounts competitively, start by researching your competitors and gaining insights into their pricing strategies and discount offerings. This valuable analysis enables you to make informed decisions about your own discount strategy, ensuring that your offers remain enticing in the market.

4.Test and Repeat

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different discount percentages and A/B testing to see what resonates best with your audience. Additionally, try varying the timing and duration of your discount campaigns. Continuous refinement based on real data and customer feedback helps you optimise your discount strategy for maximum effectiveness and customer engagement.

How to Promote Your Discount

Creating a fantastic discount offer is only half the battle; you also need to effectively promote it to maximise its impact. Here are some strategies for promoting your discounts:

1. Email Marketing

Send out targeted email campaigns directed at your existing customer base. Personalise these emails based on customer preferences and past behaviour to make your discount offers more relevant and appealing.

2. Social Media Promotion

Utilise your social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, to create buzz around your discounts. Use eye-catching visuals and engaging content to capture the attention of your audience.

3. Paid Advertising

Invest in paid advertising to extend your reach to a wider audience. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads allow you to precisely target specific demographics and interests, ensuring that your discounts reach those most likely to be interested.

4. Leverage Influencers

Forge partnerships with influencers on platforms like Instagram and TikTok within your niche. These influencers can help promote your discounts to their devoted followers. Influencer marketing can serve as a bridge to new and engaged audiences, significantly enhancing your discount’s visibility and appeal.

5. Cross-Promotion

Explore collaboration opportunities with businesses that complement your offerings. By cross-promoting each other’s discounts, you can expand your reach and provide added value to your customers. This cooperative approach can be a win-win for both businesses involved while benefiting your shared audience.

So, if growing your online sales through discounts is on your agenda, remember that success lies in strategic implementation. By following the dos and don’ts of offering discounts, identifying the sweet spot for discount percentages, and executing effective promotion strategies, you can harness their potential to drive substantial revenue growth for your e-commerce business.

If you’ve found value in our series on how to grow your online sales, be sure to stay tuned for our next article, where we’ll continue to share more valuable tips and strategies
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