business case study

How to Write a Business Case Study

Case studies can help your brand build credibility and trust. Here's a full guide for you.
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Establishing trust and credibility with customers is the key to cultivating long-term brand loyalty. And one marketing strategy you can leverage is publishing business case studies online. 

For small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and ecommerce entrepreneurs, showcasing real-life successes through business case studies can be the game-changer that your business needs to reach the next level. 

How case studies help a business

Picture this scenario: You come across a website offering logistics solutions. But you hesitate to commit, since you don’t have enough information to decide if it’s worth the investment for your online store’s operations. 

Then, you come across a case study detailing how the company helped a similar-sized ecommerce business streamline its shipping and fulfillment, resulting in a significant increase in efficiency, cost savings and customer satisfaction. Your doubts fade as you read on, and you’re ready to engage with the logistics solutions provider. 

Case studies can help a business in this way – it builds a pathway for clients through documented evidence of success. They offer an in-depth look at your capabilities and achievements, allowing potential clients to envision the benefits of partnering with your business. 

In showcasing real-world success stories, your brand can get your target audience’s buy-in, creating excitement and anticipation for your offerings and separating yourself from competitors.

These compelling narratives not only demonstrate the value of your products or services but also provide practical insights into overcoming challenges, enhancing productivity and implementing creative solutions. 

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What is a case study in business?

At its core, a business case study is a detailed account of a specific problem, solution and outcome surrounding a business organization. It typically outlines the challenges a company faces, the strategies to address those challenges and the results achieved. 

Unlike traditional marketing materials, case studies focus on storytelling instead of direct promotion, making them more relatable and persuasive.

For example, here’s a case study on Krispy Kreme Doughnuts’ struggle and journey as a brand, business, and publicly traded company:

Types of case studies for businesses

A case study can  take on various formats, such as a YouTube video that feels like a class lecture. Depending on your goals or needs, using the right medium for your business case study can  impact its effectiveness. 

Here’s a list of the common case study formats for businesses:

1. Written Case Studies

Traditional and versatile, written case studies allow for an in-depth exploration on any aspects of a business and are suitable for presenting complex information in a structured format. Storytelling is key to weaving a convincing narrative for your readers.

2. Infographic Case Studies

Infographics offer a visually engaging way to present key data and insights from your case study. When compared to text-driven case studies, infographics condense information into digestible chunks, making it easier for readers to grasp the main points quickly.

3. Video Case Studies

Video case studies bring your success stories to life through dynamic and entertaining discussions, interviews and testimonials that have been recorded and edited for audience consumption. They appeal to auditory and visual learners and are also shareable on social media platforms, which offer easy replayability.

4. Podcast Case Studies

Similar to video case studies, podcasts offer a convenient medium for storytelling and can be a cost-effective way to reach busy professionals who prefer audio content. Interviewing clients, talking to industry players or chit-chatting with team members add authenticity and depth to your case study.

Here are a few websites to check examples of case study templates:

how to write a business case study
A case study is a detailed account of a specific problem, solution and outcome surrounding a business, and how you helped.

How to write a business case study 

Apart from using templates, there are different ways to go about writing a case study as a marketing tool to leverage for your business.

A basic, yet compelling structure for a compelling business case study’s story answers the following questions:

  1. What was life like for your target customer before they used your product or service?
  2. How did customers find your brand?
  3. What was their life like after they tried your product or service?

Once you’ve reflected on the answers to these questions, proceed to writing your case study. Envision your ideal customer and how they will want to enjoy the same success detailed in the case study.

Follow the steps below to write a case study for your business:

1. Choose the Right Angle for Your Story

Pick a compelling story that aligns with your target audience’s interests and concerns. Look for success stories that highlight the unique value proposition of your business.

Today’s online consumer is unique from others, especially with the shifting preferences in online shopping behavior. So depending on your objectives, you’ll have different ways to approach a narrative.

2. Gather Information

Do interviews with key stakeholders involved in the case study, including clients, employees, and subject matter experts.  Collect data and evidence to support your narrative.

3. Structure Your Case Study

Organize your case study into clear sections, including an introduction, background information, problem statement, solution overview, implementation details and outcomes.

case study format
Your compelling case study should describe how your business improved your customer’s experience.

4. Focus on the Human Element

The goal of using a case study is to win over your target audience’s trust by establishing your credibility. But don’t just present facts and figures; humanize your case study by including quotes, anecdotes and testimonials from real people involved in the project. Numbers deliver impact when they’re relevant and relatable.

5. Keep it Concise and Engaging

Aim for brevity while ensuring that your case study provides sufficient detail to convey the story effectively. Use visuals, such as charts, graphs and images to enhance readability, or videos to break the monotony.

6. Highlight Results and Benefits

Emphasize the positive outcomes achieved as a result of your solution, like increased revenue, cost savings, improved efficiency or enhanced customer satisfaction.

Why a case study is important in business

A business case study serves as powerful tools for SMEs and ecommerce entrepreneurs to build credibility and trust with their target audience, from Filipino e-shopaholics to more specific buyer personas in the sales funnel. 

Follow the guidelines in this article and execute with consistency and authenticity. Start crafting narratives that inspire confidence and trust in your brand, and drive business growth.

Ninja Van end to end logistics solutions

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