Cash on Delivery Vs. Prepayment Which Boosts Customer Trust & Speeds up Transactions

Cash on Delivery vs. Prepayment: Which Boost Customer Trust & Speed up Transactions?

Finding the balance between trust & speed for smoother transactions & happier customers? This blog explores both for online businesses in Malaysia.
5 mins read

In the bustling world of e-commerce, SME owners in Malaysia often have a major decision on their hands: picking a payment method that amps up customer trust or keeping the transactions smooth. We’re talking about Cash on Delivery (COD) and Prepayment. Each option has its own vibe and can seriously shape the shopping experience.

Breaking Down the Options: COD vs. Prepayment

  • Cash on Delivery (COD) lets your customers pay at the door when their package arrives. It’s a comfort thing—customers feel secure because they only pay after they’ve seen the product.
  • Prepayment, meanwhile, has customers pay when they place their order. This method can make your operations slicker and potentially improve your cash flow because you get the money upfront.

Cash on Delivery: Building Trust One Package at a Time

COD is all about trust. Customers don’t have to pay a penny until they have their order in hand, which can be a big relief, especially for those who are still a bit wary of online shopping.


  • Trust Booster: Great for shoppers who are not too keen on paying before seeing the goods. It’s like, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
  • Reduces Cart Abandonment: Ever noticed people ditching their carts at the final step? COD can help reduce that. When customers know they can pay later, they’re less likely to bail.
  • Hands-On Approval: Customers can check out their items in person before paying. It’s a try-before-you-buy that everyone loves.


  • Extra Fees: Handling COD orders can sometimes come with additional costs, and not all customers are cool with that.
  • Risky Business: There’s always a slight risk of customers refusing to pay once the order arrives, which can be a real hassle.

Prepayment: Fast-Tracking Your Transactions

With prepayment, things move fast. Customers pay upfront, and you get the funds directly. This means you can process and ship orders faster since everything is confirmed from the get-go.


  • Streamlines Operations: Less guesswork. You know the payment is in, and you can immediately get to work on the order.
  • Secures Cash Flow: You have the money, so you can better manage inventory and other expenses without waiting for payment post-delivery.
  • Less Risk of Non-Payment: Once the payment’s made, there’s no worrying about someone backing out at the last minute.


  • Trust Issues: Asking for payment upfront might turn off some customers, especially new ones who haven’t built a rapport with your brand yet.
  • Potential for Increased Cart Abandonment: Some customers might not be comfortable paying before receiving their products, leading to them abandoning their carts.

Cash on Delivery vs. Prepayment: Which One Wins?

Deciding between Cash on Delivery (COD) and Prepayment isn’t just a random choice; it’s about what fits your business vibe and knowing your customers well. Here are the key factors to consider when choosing the ideal payment method for your online store:

  1. Understanding Your Audience
    Who frequents your online store? If you cater to “uncle and aunty” who might be more traditional and cautious, they’ll likely prefer Cash on Delivery (COD) because they can inspect the products or packaging in person before paying, ensuring everything meets their expectations. Or are they modern professionals who prioritise quick, hassle-free experiences, leaning towards prepayment? Tailor your payment methods to align with your customer’s preferences and habits.
  1. Product Type and Value
    Think about what you’re selling. High-value items like electronics or bespoke jewellery often appeal to discerning buyers who prioritise quality and authenticity might appreciate COD for security. For digital goods or affordable fashion items, popular among the gen-z and young adults, prepayment is often more appealing because it promises a quick, hassle-free purchase.
  1. Cash Flow Consideration
    Cash flow is crucial. Prepayment gets you cash fast, helping you manage stock and cover costs upfront. If your cash flow is solid and you want to boost trust, COD might be your play, even though it could slow down payments.
  1. Risk Tolerance
    Every payment method has its quirks. With COD, you might face issues like unpaid orders—think working adults who aren’t home to snag their deliveries, leading to missed payments or annoying rescheduling. On the flip side, prepayment can sometimes cause chargebacks and a bunch of abandoned carts. Picture college students loading up their carts during a late-night shopping spree, only to bail at the last second because they’re stressing over spending too much upfront. Balancing these risks with the potential perks is crucial for nailing your store’s payment strategy.
  1. System Integration
    Getting your payment methods to play nice with your systems can seriously smooth out transactions for both you and your customers. For example, slick tools like Ninja Biz can handle both COD method for big-ticket items that “aunty and uncle” like to inspect before buying, and prepayment method for those quick, everyday buys that the younger, tech-savvy customers.

The Winning Combination – Building Trust and Speeding Up Transactions

Choosing the right payment method in e-commerce isn’t just about handling money—it’s about building trust with COD and speeding up deals with Prepayment. Cash on Delivery (COD) allows customers to inspect their purchases before paying, which builds trust. Prepayment, on the other hand, speeds up the transaction process by ensuring funds are secured upfront with each Malaysian making an average of 291 online transactions per year

With more than 85% of online shoppers abandoning their carts if their preferred payment method isn’t offered, why not offer both and enhance overall satisfaction by taking convenience up a notch with Ninja Biz?

Here’s what Ninja Biz brings to the table:

  • Real-Time Tracking: Keep an eye on your parcels at every stage. It’s reassurance in real time.
  • Discounted Shipping Rates: Score better deals on shipping, whether it’s local or international, especially when you drop off your parcel at Ninja Van’s Ninja Points. More savings? Yes, please. 
  • Automated Shipping Labels: Skip the manual hassle and utilise the copy and paste function for names, addresses, and phone numbers to easily generate labels.
  • Easy Returns Management: Returns are a breeze, which keeps your customers coming back for more.
  • Seamless Integration: Ninja Biz slips right into your existing setup and cross-functions effortlessly with the Ninja Dashboard, ensuring that even existing shippers can use Ninja Biz with ease of mind, making it a plug and play. 

And here’s a sweet deal – click here to download our logistic super-app and get 5 free shipments when you ship 15 parcels – saving more, and doing better business, all with a few taps.

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