Social Media & Content 5 Best Ways to Build A Successful Business

Social Media & Content: 5 Best Ways to Build A Successful Business

Discover 5 top social media strategies to boost your business, inspired by Phei Yong. Learn how Ninja Van’s services can reduce shipping cost!
6 mins read

Social media and content creation are vital tools for building a successful business nowadays. When used effectively, they can transform a small venture into a thriving enterprise.

One entrepreneur who exemplifies this mastery is Phei Yong. Through his innovative approach to social media marketing and compelling content, he has achieved remarkable success, for his apparel business STEP8IGHT, and hot pot restaurant Zui Ma Tou Hot Pot

In this blog, we’ll explore 5 best social media marketing strategies to elevate your business, inspired by Phei Yong’s impressive journey.

1. Engaging Content for Your Audience

Phei Yong didn’t become a successful online entrepreneur by accident. He knew the power of authenticity and relatable content. It wasn’t just about selling products; it was about building a community. 

Think about it: When you’re scrolling through your feed, what catches your eye? A bland ad? Or a story that makes you laugh, cry, or think? It’s the latter, right?

Phei Yong started as a radio DJ in 2015 and switched to YouTube full-time in 2017, where his relatable comedic content earned him 718,000 subscribers.

Phei Yong’s secret? He tells stories. He shares his personal experiences, his challenges, and his victories. And guess what? His audience loves it. They feel like they’re part of his journey.

Phei Yong’s YouTube channel offers engaging content that resonates with viewers, showcasing his true personality and drawing in a loyal audience.

So, how can you do the same?

  • Focus on storytelling. Share your brand’s story, your team’s story, or even your customers’ stories. 
  • Be real. Don’t try to be perfect. People can spot a fake a mile away. 

💡 Remember, content is king. But it’s not just about quantity; it’s about quality. Make sure your content is valuable, engaging, and relevant to your target audience.

2. Consistent Branding Across All Platforms

Imagine walking into a store and seeing a different logo on every product. Confusing, right?

That’s why consistent branding is so important. It helps your audience recognize your brand at a glance. It builds trust and credibility. And it makes you more memorable.

Phei Yong understands this. He’s got a clear brand identity that he sticks to across all his social media platforms. His visuals, his tone, and his messaging are all aligned. It’s like a signature that says, “This is Phei Yong.”

Named “Project-260,” by STEP8IGHT the clothing line symbolises the 260-mile journey Phei Yong undertook from his hometown to his current city to launch his career.

So, how can you do the same?

  • Start by defining your brand values and personality. What do you stand for? What kind of message do you want to convey?
  • Once you have a clear understanding of your brand, create a style guide that outlines your brand’s colours, fonts, and imagery.

Remember, consistency is key. Stick to your brand guidelines across all your social media channels. This will help you create a cohesive and recognizable brand.

3. Influencer Collaborations for Greater Reach

Ever heard of the saying, “Two heads are better than one”? Well, it’s true in the world of online marketing as well. Collaborations can be a game-changer for small businesses.

Phei Yong understands the power of partnerships. He’s collaborated with numerous influencers and brands in his industry. These collaborations have helped him expand his reach, tap into new audiences, and enhance his credibility.

Phei Yong teamed up with myTukar for an epic 700-kilometre road trip, putting their certified cars to the test and boosting his personal brand along the way

So, how can you do the same?

  • Start by identifying influencers who align with your brand values. Look for people who have a genuine interest in your industry and who can connect with your target audience.
  • Once you’ve found the right influencers, reach out to them and propose a collaboration. Offer them value in exchange for their support. For example, you could offer them a discount on your products, a free product sample, or exposure on your social media channels.

💡 Remember, collaborations are not just about getting more followers. They’re about building relationships and creating mutually beneficial partnerships.

4. Engage with Your Audience! Build a Community!

Remember when you were a kid and had your own little gang? That’s essentially what you’re aiming for with your online community. It’s a group of people who feel connected to your brand and who are invested in your success.

Phei Yong has done an excellent job of building a strong community around his brand. He actively engages with his followers, responding to comments, messages, and reviews. He makes his audience feel valued and heard.

Phei Yong joined forces with his fans to highlight their favourite Watsons products in the Watsons Smartest Challenge campaign.

So, how can you do the same?

  • Start by setting aside time each day to interact with your followers. Respond to comments, messages, and reviews promptly. Show your audience that you care about their opinions.
  • You can also host contests, giveaways, or Q&A sessions to encourage engagement. And don’t forget to join relevant online communities and forums to connect with potential customers.

Remember, building a community takes time and effort. But it’s worth it. A strong community can be a powerful asset for your business.

5. Analyse and Adapt!

If you’re not measuring, you’re not improving. That’s the golden rule of online marketing.

Phei Yong understands the importance of analytics.

There are a variety of tools available to help you track your social media metrics. Some popular options include Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and Instagram Insights.

Once you’ve gathered your data, take some time to analyse it. What kind of content is performing well? Who is your audience? What are their interests? Use this information to refine your content strategy and optimise your social media efforts.

💡 Remember, the online landscape is constantly evolving. What worked yesterday may not work today. 

Don’t Be Afraid, Consistent & Engage!

By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to use social media and content marketing to grow your business.

Remember, Phei Yong’s story is proof that these strategies can work for businesses of all sizes. So, don’t be afraid to experiment, be consistent, and engage with your audience.

Phei Yong with House Ambassador Jackson Wang at the grand opening of the Louis Vuitton Pavilion KL store.

With the right approach, you can transform your business and achieve your goals. So, start applying these tips today and watch your business grow!

Bonus! #1 Best Support for Your Growing Business

As you put these social media and content tips into action, don’t forget that great logistics are crucial for keeping your business running smoothly. That’s where Ninja Van comes in. 

Ninja Van got just the services you need to handle your shipping needs efficiently!

Individual Delivery Service: Perfect for Small Businesses

If you’re handling fewer than 150 parcels a month (<150 PPM), Ninja Van’s Individual Delivery Service has got you covered. 

It’s super affordable, starting at just RM5.50 per delivery, and you can easily manage everything through the Ninja Biz app. 

Ship more, save more! Enjoy volume-based discounts and promotions up to 67% this month!

Plus, you get handy features like a Shipping Calculator to help you budget and plan!

Business Delivery Service: For Larger Volumes

Got a bigger volume? The Business Delivery Service is designed for you. 

Did you know? Ninja Van offers up to RM200 parcel liability coverage for loss and damaged parcels.

Enjoy perks like a dedicated account manager and real-time parcel tracking with the Ninja Dashboard. This service also offers up to 3 delivery attempts to ensure your parcels get to your customers for peace of mind. 

Keep your operations running smoothly and efficiently—because great content and social media strategy are even better with a reliable delivery partner. Take action today!

With Ninja Van, you can focus on growing your business while they handle the logistics.

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