Quitting Job

Quitting your job to start a business? How to prepare for the leap

Utterly fed up with being just another cog in the corporate machinery? Dreaming of ditching your 9 to 5 and turning your online side hustle into your main event? Here's how to start!
4 mins read

Are you utterly fed up with being just another cog in the corporate machinery? Dreaming of ditching your 9 to 5 and turning your online side hustle into your main event?

Let’s face it. It’s exhilarating to imagine being your own boss, calling all the shots, and reaping the full benefits of your hard work. But before you toss your office keys and buy that fancy entrepreneur coffee mug, a reality check is due—starting up isn’t a walk in the park. The number of start-ups that hit the wall versus those that hit the jackpot is quite sobering. 

1. Setting Realistic Expectations

The first critical step is to approach your business endeavour with a clear and realistic mindset. Success rarely comes overnight, and even the most successful entrepreneurs have experienced setbacks and failures. Understanding the risks involved and accepting that there will be obstacles along the way will help you stay grounded and motivated.

To set achievable goals, conduct thorough market research, and assess the competition. Acknowledge that your business may not become profitable immediately and be prepared to invest time, effort, and resources to see it through.

2. Preparing Yourself: Financially, Mentally, and Physically

Financially: Proper financial planning is critical when beginning any business venture. Effective management of funds helps power your operations and sustain personal needs during early stages. A budgetary plan can assist you in tracking both start-up expenses and personal costs, ensuring a stable financial foundation as your budding business blossoms.

Tip: An alternative to consider: maintain your current job while starting your business. This dual approach guarantees a regular stream of income, providing much-needed financial security as you embark on your entrepreneurial journey.

Mentally: Strong mental preparedness is an essential ingredient for entrepreneur success. A well-established support network can be invaluable during the inevitable highs and lows of your journey.

Tip: Assembling this network can be challenging. Start by attending industry networking events, joining online forums, or participating in entrepreneur-focused social media groups. Tap into your own existing connections as potential sources of support, mentorship, and collaboration.

Physically: Maintaining physical health is often overlooked in the entrepreneurial journey, but crucial for sustained success. A balanced routine that embraces work-life harmony can help guard against burnout.

Tip: Prioritise setting aside time for rest and relaxation, especially during weekends. Continuous work without respite can lead to accumulated stress, impairing both your health and your business’s growth. Balancing work commitments with wellness efforts is pivotal.

3. Starting as a Side Hustle

Not quite ready to take the full plunge? Consider starting your business as a side hustle first. However, be prepared for the challenge, as you’ll be doing double the work (in your regular job and at your new business) and experiencing double or even triple the stress. However, it’s a viable alternative to jumping into entrepreneurship headfirst.

Balancing a job, personal life, and a fledgling enterprise: While it’s undoubtedly challenging, this route helps you maintain financial stability while exploring the potential of your new venture. Superb time management skills are a must!

Testing the waters: A side hustle allows you to iron out any kinks in your business plan, gain some valuable experience, and find your niche before committing full-time.

4. Taking Advice from Successful Entrepreneurs

Learning from experiences: Gleaning wisdom from those who have already walked the entrepreneurial path can provide you with much-needed insights and shortcuts.

Connecting with like-minded individuals: Reach out to local entrepreneurs or join online forums to exchange ideas and learn from the experiences of others.

Being open to feedback: Welcoming constructive criticism from mentors or other entrepreneurs can help you identify areas for improvement and drive your business forward.

5. Curated Resources for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Not sure where to start? There are plenty of resources online that can help you lay the groundwork for your business venture.

How-to guides and e-books: You can find countless resources focusing on almost every aspect of starting a business, from marketing to finance.

Online Courses: Many platforms offer affordable or even free entrepreneurship courses, allowing you to acquire relevant skills.

Articles about successful entrepreneurs: Reading stories of successful entrepreneurs can inspire you and provide a helpful perspective on the entrepreneurship journey.

Don’t say goodbye to your boss too soon! Entrepreneurship comes with plenty of risks and it certainly doesn’t hurt to have a back-up plan before your business takes off. Remember, the dream of being your own boss might be tempting, but success comes with patience, perseverance, a fair shake of resilience and ample preparation. Starting a business is tricky enough without adding logistics and supply chain considerations! If your new business needs delivery services, consider partnering with Ninja Van for affordable and hassle-free delivery. Download the Ninja Biz app today and start shipping on the go.

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