6 real growth hacks for halal business to thrive in malaysia 2024 insights

6 Real Growth Hacks for Halal Business in Malaysia

Discover 6 actionable tips to scale Halal business in Malaysia, from mastering certification to leveraging logistics. Elevate growth strategy today!
5 mins read

The Halal market in Malaysia is expanding rapidly, making it a prime location for both local and international businesses to thrive. Whether you’re a startup or an established brand, knowing how to expand a Halal business in Malaysia is key to staying competitive. 

In this blog, we’ll share 6 real growth hacks to help you succeed. Let’s dive in!

#1: Make Halal Certification Your Priority

Getting your JAKIM Halal certification is more than just a regulatory step—it’s a cornerstone of building trust and credibility with your customers. This certification not only assures your clients that your products meet Halal standards but also opens doors to new markets.

Achieving Halal certification as soon as possible sets a solid foundation for your business. 

What to Do:

  • Understand the Requirements: Dive into JAKIM’s guidelines and ensure you meet all the criteria. This involves everything from sourcing ingredients, cleanliness, etc.
  • Seek Expert Advice: Consider working with a consultant who specialises in Halal certification to help you avoid common pitfalls.
  • Promote Your Certification: Display it prominently on your website, social media profiles, and product packaging to boost customer confidence.

#2: Go Big Online – Create a Strong Local and Digital Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for expanding your Halal business in Malaysia. A well-crafted digital strategy can help you connect with a wider audience, increase brand awareness, and drive sales.

By engaging with consumers where they spend their time online, you can build brand loyalty, gather valuable feedback, and drive more sales.

What to Do:

  • Set Up E-commerce Platforms (Shopee, Lazada, etc): Make your products accessible by listing them on popular e-commerce platforms to attract millions of consumers looking for Halal products.
  • Leverage Social Media (Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok): Share engaging content that resonates with local audiences, including behind-the-scenes looks, product highlights, and customer testimonials. Look at how this social media influencer did it!
  • Localise Your Content: Use local languages and references to create a connection with your target audience.

#3: Keep Product Quality Consistent, Especially with Fresh and Frozen Goods

When it comes to perishable goods like frozen or fresh Halal products, maintaining quality is critical. Customers expect the best, and poor handling during delivery can tarnish your brand’s reputation. Ensuring consistent quality from production to delivery is a must.

Customers won’t return if they receive low-quality or spoiled products, especially with fresh and frozen goods. 

What to Do:

  • Invest in Proper Packaging: Make sure your products are packaged to withstand the demands of transportation. If you want to know how to match your products with the right packaging, read this guide.
  • Use Reliable Cold-Chain Logistics: Opt for a cold truck delivery service tailored especially for SMEs selling frozen, chilled, and perishable goods. Most of the time, this scalable service provider is the best solution to ensure your products reach customers fresh and in perfect condition. Want to know more? Check out this cold truck service.
  • Monitor Customer Feedback: Keeping an eye on customer reviews and feedback, especially when it comes to product quality during delivery can help you address any issues quickly and maintain high standards.

💡 Why It Matters: Customers won’t return if they receive low-quality or spoiled products. By partnering with logistics services like Ninja Cold, you can guarantee that your products maintain their freshness.

#4: Streamline Your Supply Chain for Faster Growth

A well-organised supply chain is essential for smooth operations and scalable growth. For Halal businesses, managing inventory efficiently can prevent stockouts, overstock situations, and lost sales.

An optimised supply chain enables you to respond quickly to market demands and maintain smooth operations. 

What to Do:

  • Automate Inventory Management: Use inventory management software to keep track of stock levels, sales, and replenishments. Though this could be an added expense, alternatively, you can opt to look for inventory replenishment service with no minimum order quantity (MOQ) to ensure you have the right amount of stock at all times without risking too much on overstocking.
  • Optimise Reordering Processes: Setting up an automated reordering based on sales data and inventory levels can reduce the risk of running out of popular products.
  • Work with Reliable Suppliers: Build strong relationships with your suppliers and ensure they can meet your demand consistently.

#5: Tap into Malaysia’s Halal Export Market

Malaysia is not just a thriving local market for Halal products; it’s also a gateway to the global Halal market. Expanding your reach beyond local borders can significantly boost your business growth.

By tapping into Malaysia’s position as a Halal hub, you can leverage its reputation and infrastructure to reach a broader audience and grow your business internationally.

What to Do:

  • Research International Markets: Identify which countries have a high demand for Halal products and analyse their market requirements to help you target the right regions and tailor your offerings to meet their needs.
  • Understand Export Regulations: Familiarise yourself with the export regulations and Halal certification requirements in your target markets.
  • Partner with Export Specialists: Collaborate with logistics providers and export consultants who have experience in handling Halal products. They can guide you through the complexities of international shipping and ensure your products comply with foreign standards.

#6: Make Logistics Your Secret Weapon

As your Halal business grows, the role of logistics becomes increasingly critical. Good logistics practices ensure that your products reach customers efficiently and in top condition.

 By partnering with providers like Ninja Van and utilising their advanced services, you can streamline your operations, reduce logistical headaches, and focus on scaling your business with confidence.

Why Logistics Matter?

Timely and accurate deliveries build customer trust and loyalty. Efficient logistics operations contribute to a smooth customer experience. No matter if you are a local or a foreign business, enhancing your brand’s reputation is the best marketing tool to encourage repeat business.

So, if you are a Halal business dealing with perishable goods, services like Ninja Cold ensure that frozen and chilled items are kept and delivered at the best temperature for the best customer satisfaction.

Ninja Restock, on the other hand, helps manage your inventory effectively by delivering stocks and inventory as frequent as daily deliveries. This prevents stockouts and overstock situations, allowing you to meet demand without overburdening your storage capacity.

Don’t Miss the Chance to Explore These Logistics Solutions in Person!

To see how logistics can elevate your Halal business, visit Ninja Van at MIHAS 2024.

Implementing these six growth hacks can significantly enhance your Halal business in Malaysia. From securing Halal certification and establishing a strong digital presence to optimising your supply chain and exploring global markets, each step is crucial for scaling your business effectively.

However, if you want to focus on product quality, by leveraging efficient logistics solutions, visit Ninja Van at MIHAS 2024 to learn more about how Ninja Restock and Ninja Cold can transform your logistics and support your business growth.

Remember, success in the competitive Halal market requires a blend of strategic planning, quality management, and innovative logistics. So, reach out to our consultants to start now!

  • Ninja Cold: Submit your queries here if you wish to deliver temperature-sensitive products across Southeast Asia, safely and reliably.
  • Ninja Restock: Submit your queries here for a fast, reliable and cost-effective resupply for businesses with no MOQ.
Alternatively, check out Ninja Van’s comprehensive Logistics Solutions to know more about our first, middle and last mile logistics solutions.

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