#1 Reason Shoppers Abandoned Cart Out-Of-Stock Products!

#1 Reason Shoppers Abandoned Cart: Out-Of-Stock Products!

Out-of-stock products killing your sales? Learn the top reasons for cart abandonment and how to fix it. Increase conversions now!
3 mins read

Online shopping has revolutionised the retail industry, offering unparalleled convenience to consumers. However, a staggering 70% of online shoppers abandon their carts before completing the purchase. This figure is based on analysing multiple studies and represents a significant issue for businesses as it means only three in ten customers complete their orders. While there are numerous factors contributing to this issue, one stands out as the primary culprit: out-of-stock products.

Imagine spending precious time browsing through an online store, carefully selecting items to add to your cart. You’re excited about your purchases and ready to checkout, only to discover that your desired product is out of stock. Frustrated, you abandon your cart and move on to a competitor. This scenario plays out countless times daily, costing e-commerce businesses billions in lost revenue.

Understanding Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment refers to the frustrating phenomenon where online shoppers add items to their shopping cart but fail to complete the purchase. This means potential customers are leaving your website without converting, resulting in lost sales and revenue.

Common Reasons for Cart Abandonment

While out-of-stock products are a primary culprit, it’s essential to acknowledge other factors that contribute to cart abandonment:

  • Unexpected costs such as Shipping fees, taxes, or additional charges can deter customers.
  • Complicated checkout processes, such as a lengthy or confusing checkout process can frustrate shoppers.
  • Lack of trust in terms of security concerns or doubts about the website’s legitimacy can hinder purchases.
  • Customers may require additional product details or reviews before buying.

The Impact of Out-of-Stock Products

When customers can’t purchase the items they want, they’re more likely to abandon their carts and seek alternatives. A significant number of customers, around 70%, will switch to a competitor’s brand. With the vast array of product alternatives available globally, retailers face the risk of substantial sales losses if they cannot retain customers. 

 This has a significant impact on e-commerce businesses in several ways:

  • Every abandoned cart represents a potential sale lost. When products are consistently out of stock, businesses miss out on substantial revenue opportunities.
  • Customers expect products to be available when they’re ready to purchase. Frequent out-of-stock situations can damage a brand’s reputation for reliability and customer satisfaction.
  • Customers who encounter out-of-stock items are likely to be frustrated and disappointed. This negative experience can lead to customer churn and negative word-of-mouth.

The Abandoned Shopping Cart Theory

The abandoned shopping cart theory suggests that consumers often add items to their cart as a way to bookmark or consider products for later purchase. They may intend to return and complete the purchase, but various factors can disrupt this plan.

Out-of-stock products significantly impact this theory. When customers revisit their cart and find essential items unavailable, their intent to purchase weakens. The element of urgency and desire is lost, leading to cart abandonment. Additionally, the psychological impact of encountering out-of-stock items can create frustration and dissatisfaction, further discouraging the customer from completing the purchase.

Fixing the Out-of-Stock Problem

The key to reducing cart abandonment due to out-of-stock products lies in effective inventory management. By implementing robust strategies, e-commerce businesses can significantly improve product availability and customer satisfaction.

  • Accurate Inventory Management: Utilise inventory management systems to track stock levels in real-time, preventing overselling and understocking.
  • Effective Stock Forecasting: Analyse sales data and trends to predict product demand accurately.
  • Handling Out-of-Stock Situations: When products are temporarily unavailable, offer alternative solutions such as backorders, substitutions, or waitlist options.
  • Clear Communication: Use clear messaging on product pages, provide estimated restock dates, and offer alternative options.

Keep Your Shelves Stocked, Keep Your Customers Happy

In conclusion, out-of-stock products are a significant contributor to cart abandonment.

Accurate inventory tracking, demand forecasting, and efficient handling of out-of-stock situations are crucial for maintaining product availability. 

To further optimise your inventory management and prevent stockouts, consider utilising Ninja Restock by Ninja Van. This flexible, no-MOQ restocking service empowers businesses to maintain optimal stock levels across all outlets and branches, minimising the risk of losing customers to competitors—making you not part of the unfortunate 70%.

By taking proactive steps to address out-of-stock issues and leveraging innovative solutions like Ninja Restock, you can significantly improve your e-commerce performance and drive sales growth.

Contact us today to get started with Ninja Restock!

Learn more about Ninja Restock and get a free consultation. Start here!

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