2. Being Your Own Boss

Starting up Series 1: The Reality of Being Your Own Boss

Ready to be your own boss? Discover the raw reality of starting and running a business.
2 mins read

Your online business has taken off! However, so has your work-life balance – in the complete opposite direction.

Instead of 9 to 5, you’re now working 24/7. Your initial excitement is starting to wear off, and reality is setting in. From managing expectations to dealing with unique stressors, you’re now faced with a myriad of hurdles that test your motivation, resilience, mental health, and emotional well-being.

Breaking it Down

Let’s be real. Running an online business is no walk in the park. Still, it can be easy to get carried away with expectations that may not align with the reality of the situation, especially when you’re just starting out.

After all, you’re finally free from the constraints of the traditional 9 to 5 job! YOU make the rules now. All that lies ahead should be an exciting, rewarding journey where you envision smooth sailing success, exponential growth and a newfound sense of freedom…right?

Until you get a few reality checks.

Check 1: Complete Freedom

You’re your own boss. You’ve heard this so many times it’s practically a mantra. The allure of being free from a boss is incredibly enticing. 

In fact, you’re now the boss and the employee of everything–DIY at its finest.

Check 2: It’s an Exciting Journey

You’re setting out on an exhilarating adventure filled with uncharted territories and exciting discoveries!

In fact, you’re in for the ride of your life…in a bad way. You need to get used to bumps and twists and overcome them with grit and determination.

Check 3: Exponential Growth

We’ve all heard about how quickly start-ups get to unicorn status every year. Naturally, there’s an expectation for your company’s growth, even if it’s a little lower than those rockstar companies.

In fact, growth is more likely to be a slow and painful crawl. Many start-ups have difficulty finding their first client and expanding further. With a limited budget and network, getting a sale will be a very manual and demanding process. The hustle is real.

Check 4: Positive Vibes All Day

Every day’s a good day! You anticipate an unending source of motivation, keeping you enthusiastic every day. After all, you’re now rid of your greatest stressor!

In fact, you will hit roadblocks. You will doubt yourself. Motivation will dwindle and make way for burnout and fatigue.

While there are many inspiring stories from successful entrepreneurs, what we don’t see is the daily toil of blood, sweat, and tears that have been put into the business to make it a success. As Steve Jobs wisely put it, “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” The truth is that building a successful online business doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and perseverance.

If you’ve been nodding in agreement, then be sure to keep an eye out for the next article in this series. We’ll be delving into the unique stressors that online business owners face and sharing tips to keep your motivation high as you journey from burnout to breakthrough!

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